Virgo season =  August 22 - September 22


This is the article to present you the basic traits of Virgo personality in vedic astrology. Virgo is the sixth sign in the zodiac wheel which operates with the motto 'I Analyze'. 

So,here are the traits which can be applied to a Virgo Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus and Mercury. 


Hardworking, Clean - Freak, Critical, Overthinker, Reliable, Kind, Picky, Stubborn, Professional, Generous, Perfectionist, Observant, Sensitive, Passionate, Dominating


Virgos fall at the top in the hardworking signs list. Due to this constant working nature within them, they are not afraid to accept big projects. There is a huge difference between other zodiac’s hard work and that of virgo’s. Virgos work more by using logic and they have a deeper understanding of what they are doing. They are always in the process of self-improvement by working to sharpen their own skills.

A highly developed sense of discrimination in the modern society may lead them to be critical. They are not satisfied with the way things are done and continue to analyze situations and people in the hope of finding a way to improve them. At times, their expectations can make them unhappy. Virgos however cannot handle criticism very well. We mostly can't find a virgo who can accept the criticism well and admit their faults.


Virgos think that the world should follow perfectionism.


Virgos think that the world should follow perfectionism. They work harder than anyone else to make sure everything is perfect. They expect the same from the people around them. When they somehow degrade their quality of work due to various external factors, they begin to fear that they are failing. For virgos to be happy, they should continue to do their work in the best way possible but not expect the same level of perfectionism from others.

Since they live in their own world of perfectionism, in partnership as well they tend to incline towards a perfect romantic partner. They want their girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse to be the best in their looks, intelligence, personality, understanding capability, rich and happy. Hence, this results them to be picky while seeking life partners. They are also picky while selecting/buying stuff in various aspects of life.

  Virgos are generous beings.


Virgos are generous beings. Though they act cold, they seem to help other people solve their problems. They don't want anyone to take advantage of their kindness and generosity. But overall, they can't withstand people in trouble and try to help them in the best ways possible. This also makes them best advisors. Whenever any friend or family member needs consultancy, they seem to go and take advice from Virgos. Their logical approach can help others solve their problems in any emotional state.

Virgos are observant people as well. They love to observe the surroundings around them. They observe and analyze everything that comes to them like plans, situations, goals, work, people, their actions and so on. This observing nature makes them more thoughtful and creative.

As critical thinkers, Virgos tend to overthink a lot of situations constantly. 


As critical thinkers, Virgos tend to overthink a lot of situations constantly. Their minds are occupied all the time. They think about the past, present, future and the things they need to do. They even think about how they can get ahead on their next projects. This also shows that they overthink every outcome in the relationship and even among the family members. A quick tip to Virgos: since you guys are bothered by lots of things, you can relax your minds and body through scheduled meditation. 

Virgos are very professional. They have an amazing personality which can help them in their work. They think critically and analyse skills and are constantly looking for next big things to solve. They even think about how to improve their work. These professional qualities make them likable in any parts of life. 

Virgos are so organised that they prefer everything to be clean. 


Virgos are so organised that they prefer everything to be clean. They cannot withstand a little dust on their desk. They clean their rooms and workspace timely and like to keep everything organised at a proper place without others misplacing their stuff.


So, hope you all had a basic idea about Virgo personality. If you have someone with Virgo zodiac then make sure you share this content with them. If you are a Virgo but with different planet positions then make sure to follow up with our planetary content of Virgo.