Startup Journey
When it’s talk about Startup it’s fancy to express and talk about. The background picture of a startup is too demanding. As there is heavy demand, a person who starts to pursue his own dreams compromises on so many things to focus on work and its result. The success rate of any startup is very low if we see the market and betting on a thin line of this success is never easy. Unless we put our super efforts it’s very hard to confront its success. The more ambitions we are the more challenges we are going to face.

Today, I am going to share my own experience how I am managing my time to bring something of value to customers, primarily small and medium-sized business owners via Edtyro.

This article is going to be focused on the time that I put on various things for my startup and how my routine is connected with it. Time is the most valuable asset because the most output that we are going to see in our startup will come from our own efforts.


What do I actually do?


My Vision with Edtyro is to create a platform where all business requirements on software can be addressed by a single solution. So, many things go in operating business. It’s a complicated task and the challenges to create the intended product full comes with struggles.  I invest most time to know all the requirements in any business.  It requires a lot of brainstorming, research, and analysis.

I am initially trying to address business needs for Data Collection, Workflow, Communication, Process, Publishing, Assignment, Tracking, Analytics, and Business Intelligence. I heavily research on addressed areas and implement related findings on my product.


My General Routine


Most of the time goes on planning, thinking, and working on solutions related to the product. Generally, I spend 3+ hours on software architecture. It involves research and experimentation. On average, I spend 8+ hours programming daily. Sometimes, About 3+ hours go to testing and deploying things in local and remote servers. Also frequently, I put around 3+ hours in reading. Reading includes books and blogs primarily. I read books related to Business, Economics, Mathematics, Engineering, and Programming.

I sleep around 5 hours on average. There are frequent times when I slept for 2 hours in 72 hours.

I consume only vegetarian food as it buys more time to work. In that food-group also, I also have specific choices of food which are digestion and mood-friendly as I need to keep up many hours awake. Also, I eat food only when I am hungry which doesn’t follow any patterns. Sometimes I hold my hunger for hours when I am heavily working on something important.

I take ½ hr to 3 hrs break during my working hours when I find myself exhausted. It may be spending time with people close to me, writing, drawing, social media, and sometimes take a short walk.


So much on your plate


When we are on a startup journey there are so many requirements. In well-grown companies, there are various teams to handle specific things. When the talk is about startup small team to manage so many things. As everything is generally built from the scratch small team has to keep so much effort to balance things out.

I have been involved in both business and technical sides. On the business side, I have to see around finances, networking, and make critical business decisions that help to push the startup forward. On the technical side, I am involved in Product Design, Development, and Implementations.


Alone Most of the Times


I was curious and workaholic by nature since childhood. I used to work on my personal skills and read a lot of books. Before starting a  company I was able to keep up with many friends. Later, keeping up with people was getting difficult as I was busy most of the time. I had to slash myself from people and friends so I can progress well on the thing I started.

Being alone helps a person to buy more time for work. Also, I keep myself away from normal family matters. I keep up with the minimum yet important people in my life. There is experience feeling emotionally down after working for long hours continuously. Such experiences can only be felt by a person who works super hard. At such timings, it isn’t good to talk/meet anyone, so there are frequent intervals of silence. Meanwhile, we always find ways to communicate and get along with people that are important.



Time matters


After pursuing startup I struggled with almost everything. The primary hardships that any founder goes through are finances, resources, and relationships. I feel blessed that I have the time and skills to work even if my situations are tough.


“Time says never give up I am with you. But it’s never enough”