What is a Tariff?

A tariff is a tax imposed on an imported product or service. It adds to the cost borne by consumers. Tariffs are planned and brought into practice by the government and policymakers with an aim to encourage the production and usage of goods and services within the country itself. 


Tariffs and their practice

Tariffs have been in existence for a long time for most of the day-to-day used products for people. Initially, tariffs came into practice, as the governments wanted to make the domestic goods more attractive to their citizens, in contrast to similar foreign products. The highest competitive edge lies in pricing for day to day consumables in such scenarios. For goods that provide the same usability, the value lies higher when the price is comparatively less. Thus, people buy locally produced goods in such tariff-based economic practice and this helps to keep the economy of a nation in balance and create healthier trade rapports.


Tariffs and modern software service market

In recent times, however, for the software service sectors, there have been no to very few trade barriers resulting from tariffs. For the technological services that people buy over the internet, the market has been running in the free-market system. This is a huge boon for technological startups operating from any corner of the world. The prospects of a global market at the touch of a hand with no trade barriers is thus a reason why venture capitalists have been investing in so many software startups for the last two decades. 

In the software market, the purchases have no boundaries. The eastern and western markets have been working in cohesion to serve the requirements of each. Based on the needs assessment, the service providers have been addressing the requirements from any locations they’re based at to any national/foreign clients. This has therefore induced a free market hope for many tech-based software startups. 


Conclusive analysis for tariffs In future

As we can see, tariffs hold both good and bad reputations in the market. For a nation’s progress, the government encourages domestic production and therefore imposes planned tariffs on a series of goods. Generally, finished goods are heavily tariffed compared to raw materials in such cases. For policymakers and economists, since tariffs represent trade barriers, free-market policies represent better alternatives provided there is specialization in production.

While, for tangible goods, where the resources are concentrated in one section of the world or where the resources are unequally divided, having a tariff system gives a perfect meaning. However, it becomes equally complex in scenarios where the measurement is on intellectual resources. Such resources are not country-based but it is people-based and people can move to any location in this world and serve the purpose. Therefore, the whole idea of keeping barriers becomes impractical.

The new researches on the field of technological advancement are resulting in an easier and simplified version of services. In the future, there is no question that the operation will be revolutionized. Therefore, these changes encourage policymakers to come out of the engraved practices that have been in the system for a long time. It opens scopes for everyone in the economy to rethink how the approaches can be made beyond boundaries and truly global.